Copper Tap Roasting Company

Starting today, we are featuring an exciting new coffee from some of our friends in Enid. I asked them to tell us a little about themselves and the Ethiopia Yirgacheffe that we love so much. Here's what they had to say:

Copper Tap Roasting Company’s story is quite unique. We are a not-for-profit coffee roasting company that has set a coffee standard in our community that didn't quite exist before. Eight years ago, while taking a family trip to Enid, Oklahoma, Sarah and Jeremiah Herrian decided that they would attempt to bridge the gap between the churches of Enid and the poor that was so prevalent in their area. It started as weekly park and apartment outreaches and has morphed into an Emergency Shelter, residence for former inmates, a community garden, a chic 5,000 sq. ft. “Pay it Forward” coffeehouse, and as of late, Copper Tap Roasting Company.
Copper Tap is an influential mark on our community. It has broken the familiarity of mediocre coffee and educated its community with the knowledge of great coffee. Copper Tap exists for a few reasons; To support local needs such as food and clothing for the poor, and to create a love and excitement for exceptionally roasted coffee. 

Sarah Herrian, owner of Five80 Coffeehouse, where Copper Tap is located, wanted the ability to expand our profit margins in order to give more to the poor. In doing so, we let our need be known as we started fundraising for our most expensive purchase yet, our coffee roaster. Chad Eastin, our first influential roaster, was instrumental in getting the equipment necessary to produce the coffee that we knew we could. Now, just 2 years in, Sam Graham has taken our coffee from humble beginnings to premier coffee. 

Legesse Kebede // Ethiopia

Location: Yirgacheffe
Farm/Washing Station: Local small farmers / Legesse Kebede Washing Station
Varietal: Heirloom
Process: Washed
Elevation: 1800-2100 m
Cup notes: Lemon, Rose, Green Tea


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