Clever dripper Recipe

Here’s what you’ll need:

Abid Clever Coffee Dripper
Melitta #4 Paper Filter
Your Favorite Mug
Third Wave Water (or fresh filtered water)
Freshly Roasted Coffee
Gram Scale

Coffee to Water Ratio: 20g / 320g
Brew Time: 3 minutes
Grind: 22 on Baratza Encore


Clever Coffee Dripper Wet Filter.jpg


Start with Third Wave Water (or fresh filtered water) just off boil. We suggest 208ºF if you're using a Fellow Stagg EKG kettle

Fold the bottom and side of the filter so that it will set flush in the Clever Dripper.

Set your dripper on your mug, and pour a generous amount of water through your paper filter, completely wetting the entire filter, to rinse paper dust.

Preheat your Clever Dripper by filling it with hot water, then dump the water from the mug.

Refill your kettle with fresh water and bring it back up to temperature.

Clever Coffee Dripper Add Water Bloom.jpg


Grind 20g of fresh roasted coffee on a medium-coarse setting (about a 22 on a Baratza Encore). Add your freshly ground coffee to your filter. Give the Clever Dripper a gentle shake to flatten the bed of coffee.

Pour 320g of water over the coffee while starting a timer for 3 minutes. Note: 1g of water = 1ml of water.

Let the coffee sit. You should see the coffee bed start to rise. This is called the bloom.

Clever Coffee Dripper Stir.jpg


When your timer reads 2 minutes, gently stir circles into the bloom 5-6 times, breaking up the crust of coffee grounds that have formed on top.

Set the lid on top, but don’t set the Clever Dripper down on your cup just yet.

Clever Coffee Dripper Draw Down.jpg


When your timer goes off, pick up your Clever Dripper and set it on top of your mug. Allow one minute for your coffee to fully drip out into your cup before removing the dripper and setting it aside.

Gather the filter at the edges and throw the coffee grounds and filter in the trash or compost. You're ready to drink your coffee. The entire process should take about four minutes.
