Decaf Burundi Kayanza

from $20.00

Region: Kayanza
Stations: Yagikawa, Kazoza, N’lkawa, Murambi
Variety: Bourbon
Elevation: 1900 masl
Process: Washed / Swiss Water

brown sugar / cola / lime

This is an everyday drink for a lot of us! When it's too late for caffeine, but we're not willing to sacrifice on quality, this coffee delivers just the right balance of sweet molasses and a fun mix of cola and a hint of lime.

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This Burundi decaf is a blend of coffee from three different coffee washing stations in Kayanza
Province; Yagikawa, Kazoza N'Ikawa, and Murambi. All three delivered stellar coffees this year.
These sites work closely with local farmers, not only acting as an access point to the Specialty
market, but also providing agronomical and financial assistance.

When coffees are processed at the mill, they are kept separate by purchase date in order to
identify and isolate different quality levels. The coffee is subjected to high scrutiny at the
washing stations:

First, the whole cherry is culled through by hand to remove any over and under ripe cherry, or
other obvious, physical defects that will be processed separately as a lower grade. Then it is
passed through the wet mill, typically disc depulpers or a demucilager, that have yet another
layer of grading. After fermentation the coffee is sorted by density in grading channels. Finally, it

is subjected to a whole lot of physical hand labor at the drying beds, sorting out any visible
defects during the entire drying phase. The result is some extremely clean looking (and tasting!)
physical green coffee!

As for our side of the pond, Chelsea does one last visual check on the green before roasting,
then roasts it with care, and sorts it one last time with our color sorter to make sure it's as
perfect as we can get it. All this attention to detail throughout the process is how we get a decaf
that tastes like, well, not quite like a caffeinated coffee, but as close as we can possibly get.
Note: this decaf was processed at Swiss Water Decaffeination in Vancouver, BC. Their
patented, chemical-free decaf process uses only water to remove 99.9% of caffeine while
leaving behind much of the volatile compounds that affect flavor and aroma.

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